Linux にアンチウィルスは必要ない?

Linux にアンチウィルスは必要ない?
最近「リナックスってウィルス対策いらないんですか?」と何度か聞かれた。Windows用に作られたウィルスはLinux では動かないので、ウィルス対策するとデスクトップが重くなるだけだ。ただし、スパイウェア対策はしておいた方がいいとおしえてあげた。
無料のアンチウィルス AVGavast! にもLinux版もあるが、もしも使うならウィルス対策を止めてスパイウェア対策だけONにしておけばいい。


Don't login into GUI as root, and you won't need any antivirus :

"The Linux operating system, Unix and other Unix-like computer operating systems are generally regarded as well-protected against computer viruses.
There has not yet been a single widespread Linux malware threat of the type that Microsoft Windows software currently faces; this is commonly attributed to the malware's lack of root access and fast updates to most Linux vulnerabilities."

"If an infected binary containing one of the viruses were run, the system would be infected. The infection level would depend on which user with what privileges ran the binary. A binary run under the root account would be able to infect the entire system. Privilege escalation vulnerabilities may permit malware running under a limited account to infect the entire system."

If you are a "home" user I don't think you should worry. But if you want to install Avast anyway, try running "yum whatprovides libexpat.s.0.1" to see which package needs to be installed. You can also use if you're looking for a package containing a given file.
